How I Survived the Winter of 2020-2021

                The COVID-19 lockdowns started in March, 2020.  In the beginning, everyone was hopeful that things would be back to normal before too long, certainly by Memorial Day.  As we know, Memorial Day came and went, as did Independence Day and Labor Day.  In October the days grew shorter and the wind blew colder.  Then Thanksgiving and Christmas began to loom large.  I began to experience a growing dread: How can I survive the winter observing a government-mandated sequester without literally losing my mind?  No holidays with loved ones, no week on a beach somewhere while the snow piled up back home, no after work pints with your buddies at the pub.  Life had been turned upside down.  There was no end in sight.  Something had to give.

                I found salvation in the form of the ABV Network online virtual tastings.  Steve Akley and his crew and their many friends in the bourbon business magically appeared on my computer screen several times a week and talked about our favorite subject.  It was part education, part humor, part boredom relief.  Whatever, it was time well spent.  And it helped preserve my sanity.

                The breadth and depth of the subject matter was huge.  Consider this: I got to taste the entire Buffalo Trace Mashbill #1; I got to help select the best bottom shelf under $15 bourbon; I got to taste some 8-year Very Olde St. Nick and Neeley Family Distillery’s excellent Bourbon Ball Moonshine Cream.  And that’s not all.

                The Our Flagship Whiskey series introduced me to talented distillers and bourbon executives from around the country.  What an interesting group of exceptional individuals!  Every single one was creative and insightful.  No matter what operation they owned or were part of, big or small, each one had a fresh perspective and displayed amazing passion for their work. 

                Beyond the entertainment value, my ability to taste and evaluate spirits matured.  Participating with those whose ability and experience in this area helped me get beyond the “Oh, that’s good, I like it” level of spirits appreciation and reach a higher level.  My old basketball coach used to tell me I wasn’t going to get any better if I didn’t start shooting around and playing hoops with those who were better than me, and he was right.  We can learn from the others.

                And I didn’t expect to feel like I was getting to know the other people who participated in these online events.  Many folks were using Akley’s offerings as winter relief just as I was.  It was almost like meeting new people you went to school with, people you didn’t know before.  You listen, you share opinions, you laugh together, and after a time you start to feel like you are part of an extended family.  We are social creatures, after all.            

                Spring is well underway as I write this and the pandemic restrictions are starting to relax in my state.  But I predict that the popularity of the ABV online offerings will not diminish in the least.  They are that good.  If you haven’t done so yet, you owe it to yourself to sign up for one of these events.  Allow me to say, “I told you so!” in advance.

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